Interviews/Articles/Video Presentations
Using iTunes, listen to a presentation (# 22) given by Doug at the University of Alaska Anchorage Bookstore about the revised second edition of A Guide to the Notorious Bars of Alaska. Doug discusses the eight bars that have closed since the first edition; the five bars that have been added to the second edition; the most famous bars in Alaska that are still in business, and the most notorious bars in Alaska that are no longer in business.
Read an article written by Mary Catherine Martin, reporter for the Juneau Empire, about a presentation given by Doug at the Alaska Historical Society conference in Juneau
Listen to Doug being interviewed by Joan Pardes on the KTOO Juneau Afternoon program:
Interview begins at 06:30. Ends at 18:30
Listen to Doug giving a presentation at the University of Alaska Anchorage Campus Bookstore:
Read an article/interview of Doug written by Gary Black, Features Editor for the
Fairbanks Daily News Miner .
Read an article/interview of Doug by Joey Besi, Writer, University of Alaska
Office of University Advancement.
Watch a video of Doug talking about the bars of historic Fourth Avenue in downtown Anchorage. This video was shown in June 2015 at Cyrano's Playhouse as part of a series of plays that celebrated the Centenial of Anchorage.
Read an article/interview of Doug written by Megan Pacer of the Peninsula Clarion, during a visit to the Kenai Peninsula